A Veteran Struggling to Afford Groceries Receives Heartwarming Support from a Kind Customer

We all encounter challenging times and difficult phases in life, and it’s a given that during those moments, we should receive the love and support of those around us to help us get back on our feet. This is especially true for the courageous individuals who selflessly serve their country, seeking no reward in return.

Unfortunately, many veterans find themselves struggling upon their return from duty. Unless a soldier has served for a specific duration, the benefits they receive are often insufficient for a comfortable living, and some are left uncertain about their path when transitioning to civilian life. Larry Robeson can attest to this harsh reality. According to reports, Larry, a Vietnam veteran, was facing financial hardship and didn’t know where to turn.

As fate would have it, Larry crossed paths with the Fox 5 Surprise Squad at a grocery store in Las Vegas, where they were paying for people’s groceries. Despite his own financial struggles, Larry had brought his friend Stephanie, a disabled fellow veteran, to the store. Stephanie shared with a Fox 5 reporter that she was purchasing food for herself and her dogs, but admitted that she was down to her last $50 and didn’t know what to do next.

Dave Hall, the lead reporter of the Surprise Squad, joyfully informed her that he and his team would cover her groceries, and Stephanie was overjoyed to accept their generous offer.

As Dave glanced behind Stephanie, he noticed Larry standing there quietly. It turned out that Larry, a friend of Stephanie’s husband, had established the Bones for Blankets club many years ago. The club’s mission was to provide blankets to homeless veterans who found themselves on the streets after their dedicated service to their country.

Larry’s motivation for creating the club was heart-wrenching; he took this initiative after witnessing the tragic deaths of three fellow veterans who had frozen to death. His goal was to ensure that no more veterans would suffer the same fate.

Larry went on to explain that Stephanie’s husband worked as a truck driver and was frequently away, and so he kept Stephanie company and provided assistance to help her navigate the challenges she faced due to her disability.

“No veteran should have to endure what she’s going through,” Larry passionately expressed to the Surprise Squad.

It seemed like the end of the story, but Dave Hall was unwavering in his determination to ensure that Larry wouldn’t leave the store without the Surprise Squad team covering the cost of his groceries.

Larry had originally intended to buy only dish soap and candy, but Dave insisted, saying, “You served us. It’s our turn to serve you now.” Consequently, Larry had the opportunity to roam the store and select whatever items he desired. His total came to $278, and as Dave and the others settled the bill, Larry couldn’t hold back tears.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Larry expressed, “This is just so overwhelming. I’ve been taking care of myself since I was 13.”

Observe Larry’s encounter with the Surprise Squad in the video provided below.

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