Heroic Dog Rescues Teen from Stroke by Waking Sleeping Family at Midnight

Having a dog in your home is truly wonderful. They are remarkably loyal and protective creatures with incredible instincts, often able to detect danger before humans can. There are moments when their intervention can make all the difference, as a recent incident illustrates. In this particular case, a family’s dog played a pivotal role in saving the life of a teenager who suffered an unexpected stroke.

On the morning of August 26, in Spring, Texas, Amanda Tanner was abruptly awakened at 5 a.m. by her 1-year-old border collie, Axel. The dog was incessantly barking and leaped onto the bed, leaving Amanda with a strong sense that her canine companion was attempting to convey something important to her. “He was pawing me more persistently than usual, as if he was trying to get me to move,” Amanda recounted to Today.

When her husband eventually arose to let the dog outside, Axel did not follow. Instead, he remained steadfastly positioned outside the bedroom of their 17-year-old son, Gabriel.

The couple immediately opened the door to check on their son, only to be met with a startling revelation: Gabriel, a seemingly healthy high school senior, was in the midst of a stroke. His speech was slurred, and he had lost sensation in his right side. With urgency, they whisked Gabriel off to the emergency room for vital medical intervention. In a remarkable turn of events, Axel had somehow detected that the teenager was experiencing a stroke and had alerted the family in the nick of time.

When it comes to a stroke, timely medical attention is absolutely crucial. It’s heart-wrenching to contemplate what might have transpired if Gabriel’s condition had gone unnoticed, but fortunately, their astute dog came to the rescue, saving the day.

The dog’s alertness triggered the life-saving response, according to Dr. Sabih Effendi, who treated Gabriel for a stroke. Axel’s discovery greatly improved Gabriel’s prognosis, as every moment mattered. The unexpected stroke has left the family shaken, reminding them of life’s fragility. Despite the ordeal, they find solace in God’s plan and the outpouring of support.

Gabriel experienced no pain, just fuzzy vision and a headache the night before. Doctors determined a spontaneous artery dissection as the cause.

In the weeks following the stroke, Gabriel has made remarkable strides and anticipates a return to school and resuming his regular routine in the near future. In the meantime, the family remains eternally thankful for the dog that played a pivotal role in saving his life. Axel has seamlessly transitioned into the role of Gabriel’s guardian.

“He’s now on a mission to accompany Gabriel wherever he goes,” Amanda shared with Today. “He’s become a more frequent presence in Gabriel’s sleeping arrangements, with open access to Gabriel’s room.” Axel’s presence was truly a godsend, as he was instrumental in rescuing Gabriel. The intelligence and protective instincts of dogs are nothing short of incredible. Our thoughts are with Gabriel for a swift and complete recovery!

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