Mom doesn’t like calling pets “fur babies,” thinks it’s rude to moms.

Animal lovers are upset with a mom of three who argues that calling dogs “fur babies” is an affront to mothers. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, “fur babies” refers to pets, especially those treated with love and kindness as if they were babies—a term of endearment used by pet parents who consider their four-legged companions part of the family. The woman, admitting she may sound like a “self-righteous parent,” overlooked the fact that “fur babies” is a recognized term in English. Consequently, her critical remarks about pet owners triggered a wave of responses from the online community.

A growing divide is evident between those who see their dogs as akin to babies and those who consider them mere animals. Forbes reports that around 76% of cat owners and 85% of dog owners view their pets as family members. Notably, American spending on pets rose from $123.6 billion in 2021 to $136.8 billion in 2022.

In a separate study of 2,000 cat and dog owners, 81% treat their pets like people, with 71% prioritizing their pets’ needs over their own. A Chewy poll found that 47% of respondents refer to their pets as “babies,” and 31% identify as the “mom or dad” of their furry companions. Elizabeth Broadbent finds this offensive to moms and, in a 2022 online magazine piece, encouraged pet owners to avoid terms like “fur babies.”

Broadbent, a mother of three with two dogs, asserts that kids and dogs are not the same. She insists, “Your puppy is not your child, so stop saying that he is. I have three children now, and I know this for certain–kids and dogs are not the same.”

The Facebook post sparked outrage among online users who criticized her intrusive remarks. One commenter expressed, “She has too much time on her hands… I’m pretty sure everyone is well aware of the differences. I have 2 children and I love my fur baby.” Another added, “She is absolutely right, they are not the same, which is why dogs are furbabies, children are skinpuppies, and kids are baby goats.”

A third person shared, “Dogs who we love are like babies with fur; they are the most loyal of all beings if treated with love… this lady knows nothing to make this sad request to others… it’s a free world.”

Broadbent further detailed how she babyproofed her home, removing “strangulation hazards,” concealing “cleaning fluids,” and installing “safety locks on all the cabinets.” Regarding puppy-proofing, she mentioned, “you removed all things chewable, took up poisonous plants, and provided appropriate chew toys.”

According to The American Kennel Club, Broadbent overlooked several essential points for pet-proofing, such as:

  • Removing/hiding all chewing hazards (cords, plants, food, medication)
  • Safely storing cleaning supplies
  • Securing cupboards with childproof latches
  • Raising blinds to prevent strangulation

However, Broadbent does agree that “pet ownership is a serious commitment that should only be taken up by those who really mean to care for an animal for the rest of its natural life.” Despite suggesting that “you can mostly ignore your dog,” she acknowledges, “You’re stuck with your dog… except you’re not because you can leave. Before my husband and I had kids, we traveled all the time—dropped the pups by the doggie spa, paid extra for playground time, and hopped the plane guilt-free.”

Broadbent is among the 60% of people who don’t consider their dogs when planning a trip. Interestingly, over half (62%) express a desire to take their pets along when they travel, despite only 40% stating that their pets affect their travel plans.

Dr. Katy Nelson, senior veterinarian at Chewy, notes that this reflects the trend of “pet prioritization,” where pets’ needs take precedence in major life decisions and social calendars. However, online users in the “fur baby” camp are displeased with Broadbent’s opinions.

One user shares, “I have two daughters and a fur baby. My daughters call the fur baby their little brother. My husband and I call him our son. He knows each of us by name.” Another user comments, “She’s absolutely right, they are not the same. Animals are generally more polite and nicer to be around than some kids these days.”

Despite the post generating over 16,000 comments, only a few support Broadbent’s viewpoint.

“I agree with her… they are pets… animals… not darling children,” remarks one commenter, setting off a flurry of replies. In response, someone fires back, “Why can’t they all be darling? I treat my fur baby as I would want to be treated. I show my son that same love and respect. I have enough love to go around!”

Another chimed in, “Totally agree with you! My fur babies are more behaved than some ‘darling’ children as well!” A devoted fur baby lover adds, “My dogs, cats, and whatever else I have as a family can be my ‘babies,’ whether they have fur, feathers, skin, or scales. Each of them has a special place in my heart and life that gives them a loving title of my choosing. So don’t offend me with your tiny little closed mind, and crawl back under your rock.”

We cherish animals and find it amazing how well people care for their four-legged children! Animals are such adorable, helpless little beings who need all the toppings that their human parents can provide in terms of unconditional love. Please share this story and let’s see what others have to say about this mother’s opinion on fur babies!

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