Expert suggests parents ask baby’s permission before changing diapers

It’s a fact of life that everyone has opinions, and some are eager to share them loudly, even if few are listening. The internet amplifies this, giving a platform to even the most bizarre opinions, which oddly enough often get a lot of attention.

Recently, a self-proclaimed relationship expert made headlines with an unusual suggestion for parents: asking for a baby’s permission before changing their diaper. While consent is an important topic today, many parents find this idea impractical. Changing diapers is already a chore, and adding the extra step of seeking permission seems excessive.

The expert behind this idea, Deanne Carson, describes herself as a sexuality educator, speaker, and author. She appeared on ABC in 2018 to discuss her views, suggesting that introducing consent early, even with babies, is crucial.

While she acknowledges babies can’t verbally consent, she believes they can communicate nonverbally. Carson advocates for setting up a culture of consent at home, suggesting parents ask if it’s okay to change the diaper and wait for cues from the baby.

Reporters reacted strongly to Carson’s suggestion, questioning what parents should do if the baby refuses. This debate highlights the evolving discussions around consent and parenting practices.

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