A 5-year-old boy survives a scary dog attack but gets called a ‘monster’ in public.

At only five years old, young Ryder Wells has faced more hardship than many endure in a lifetime. Despite the odds, this child from North Carolina survived a vicious assault by two rottweilers while visiting family for Thanksgiving in 2015. Just 21 months old at the time, he endured severe injuries, losing half of his face, having his teeth crushed, and sustaining a broken arm and punctured lung. His family feared he wouldn’t make it, but this brave fighter defied the odds and has since undergone approximately 50 surgeries.

Instead of receiving praise for surviving such a terrible attack, this kind-hearted boy now faces hurtful comments from both children and adults. His teacher’s aide mentioned that when Ryder began school, even grown-ups would stare at him. “When we go to the park, there’s a child who points and screams ‘monster’ at him before running away,” his mom Brittany shared, according to The Mirror newspaper. “While out shopping the other day, someone shouted ‘ew’ at him. It’s tough and it breaks my heart as a parent that after all he’s been through, people aren’t always kind about something he can’t control.”

“But he’s incredibly brave, nothing stops him.” Ryder’s survival is called a ‘miracle’ because doctors didn’t think he would make it. Now, his 31-year-old mom from Granite Falls worries about him starting school. “He wears glasses and a cap, and sometimes he hides his face,” she says. “But every day, I remind him that he’s beautiful. Being different is beautiful, and it’s okay to be different.”

“I do my best to comfort him, but I’m really scared for when he starts school. There will always be a few kids who aren’t nice.” Now, she wants to highlight the impact of bullying on someone with facial differences. She hopes Ryder’s story will make people reconsider how they treat those who appear different.

We need to teach our children not to pick on those who look different and to be kind, so kids like Ryder can have the happy life they deserve. Please share to show your love for this little boy and remind him that he is beautiful inside and out.

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