A 105-year-old great-grandmother sets a new world record for the fastest 100-meter run during the US Senior Games.

Indeed, in November 2021, Julia Hawkins, at the age of 105, established a new world record for the fastest 100-meter run during the Louisiana Senior Games, an event designed for adults over 50.

Dubbed “the Hurricane,” 107-year-old Julia Hawkins, who set a world record at 105 for the fastest 100-meter run, continues to defy age at the Louisiana Senior Games. Despite challenging weather, she remains unstoppable, with no signs of slowing down.

Reflecting on her age, she humorously noted that they were in fourth grade when she taught them. Despite missing her sub-minute goal, Hawkins secured the title for the fastest 100-meter dash in the 105+ years category, breaking the world record. Her family celebrated her gold-winning achievement. Acknowledging the limited competition in her age group, she revealed her initial running days included few athletes, mostly older women seeking something different. Beyond running, Hawkins enjoys gardening and cherishes time with her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

She cherished moments with her late husband, Murray Hawkins, whom she was married to for 70 years until his passing. Recalling their early days, she fondly shared how she was captivated by his intelligence and good looks, documenting their connection in her diary. Interestingly, they got married eight years later, even though he was in Pearl Harbor during the bombing. Due to his Navy assignment, they tied the knot by telephone, a unique occurrence at the time. Offering wisdom with age, Hawkins advises others to seek “magic moments” in life—those rare instances like a stunning sunrise, a beautiful sunset, or a shooting star. According to her, these amazing experiences are accessible to all, requiring only attentiveness and a watchful eye.

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