A real-life Rapunzel boasts 90 inches of flowing brown locks, brushing the ground behind her.

The self-proclaimed “real-life Rapunzel,” Alia Nasyrova, asserts that tending to her hair is her full-time occupation, earning income by cultivating and showcasing her impressive 90-inch-long locks. The 33-year-old shares that her extraordinary hair length is inspired by one of her favorite fairy tale characters, and she invests considerable time in its maintenance.

“I began growing my hair because I’ve always been fascinated by long hair, inspired by heroines from fairy tales since childhood,” explained the Latvian-born woman. She proudly identifies herself as “a very long hair model and also a Queen of super long hair!”

On her website, where she provides exclusive content for paying admirers, Nasyrova, a model sustaining herself through her craft, expresses her aspirations: “I dream of traveling the world, seeking out long-haired girls, sharing their stories, and showcasing this beauty, which I consider an art.”

Maintaining her long locks is a high-maintenance masterpiece for this beauty. It involves an hour of daily washing, a full day of air drying, and when she ventures outside, her hair requires its own day bag, packed with 22 pounds of liquids, including shampoo, conditioner, and various hair accessories.

Moreover, she utilizes a yoga mat for performing hair exercises on her flexible brown locks. Ivan Balaban, Nasroya’s husband, expressed his admiration for her gorgeous dark hair and actively avoids touching it.
“I consistently hug the wall to create more space for her hair, ensuring there’s no chance of accidentally damaging, tangling, or causing any harm,” he shared in a 2017 interview. “I communicate with the braid respectfully, occasionally requesting it to shift a bit.”

Maintaining hair long enough to trail behind can pose challenges. “In my childhood, during a theater performance, someone left gum in my hair – it was a tragedy,” recounted Nasyrova. “I had to cut out a clump of hair to get rid of the gum because it was very difficult.”

While Alia Nasyrova, a Latvian woman with remarkably long hair, doesn’t currently hold the title for the longest hair, that distinction goes to China’s Xie Qiuping. Qiuping began growing her hair at the age of 13 in 1973 and set a record with a hair length of 18 ft 5 in, as recognized by the Guinness World Records (GWR). GWR notes that her “hair is almost as long as an adult male giraffe is tall.”

Given that many would likely acknowledge the challenges of hair maintenance, let’s applaud Alia Nasyrova for her dedication and persistence in nurturing her stunningly long locks! What are your thoughts on extremely long hair? Do you feel you could manage it, or do you prefer the simplicity of shorter hair?


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