Four married men engage in a conversation about their Wives during a fishing trip.

What do guys talk about while fishing? Usually, it’s sports or interesting stuff in their lives. But if they’re married, wives often become the topic. This was the case for four guys on a fishing trip, talking about what it took for them to have a day out.

Many were complaining about the looming ‘honey-do’ lists at home, but one guy had a genius idea that probably made the others jealous. After about an hour of fishing, the conversation among the four married friends went something like this:

First guy: “You won’t believe what I had to promise to get out here fishing this weekend. I promised my wife I’d paint every room in the house next weekend.”

Second guy: “That’s nothing! I had to commit to building a new deck for the pool to make it happen.”

Third guy: “You guys got it easy! I had to assure my wife that I’d remodel the kitchen for her.”

They kept on fishing, but they noticed the fourth guy hadn’t uttered a word. So, they asked him, “You’ve been quiet about what you had to do to join us fishing. What’s your story?”

Fourth guy: “I simply set my alarm for 5:30 am. When it went off, I turned off the clock, nudged the wife, and said, ‘Fishing or Sex.’ She replied, ‘Wear a sweater.'”

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