Tattoo addict reveals dramatic transformation after covering 95% of his body in ink.

Tattoos offer a unique way to showcase individuality, with some opting for subtle designs while others embrace full-body art. Tristan Weigelt, a 26-year-old tattoo apprentice, gained attention for revealing his appearance before transforming his body into a canvas. His journey began at age 20, leading to covering 95 percent of his body in tattoos. “It’s strange seeing myself without tattoos,” he shared with the Daily Star, “but oddly, I still feel the same inside.”

Of all his tattoos, he mentioned that the most painful ones were those on his face and head, likening the sensation to being scraped with a metal brush. He described enduring six full-day sessions, each lasting between five and six hours, with the pain rating at about eight out of 10.

While some individuals opt for tattoos with profound personal significance, Weigelt stated that there are no hidden messages or meanings behind his body art. Over five years, he has invested $50,000 in tattoos. Offering advice to those contemplating tattoos, Weigelt suggests, “Get what you love and what makes sense to you. I see so many people worried about a certain tattoo fitting them or it not being their style. If you like it – then get it.”

What an astonishing transformation! As for me, I’m uncertain if I’d ever consider getting tattoos all over my body.

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