This happily married man, who identifies as straight, enjoys incorporating heels and skirts into his daily attire.

Mark Bryan, a 61-year-old engineer from Germany, fearlessly challenges traditional gender norms. Although high heels were originally designed for men to enhance height and style in the 10th century, they have since become predominantly associated with women. Mark is part of a growing movement of contemporary men reclaiming this fashionable footwear, transcending its traditional gender associations.


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Mark Bryan, a 61-year-old father of three, divides his time between his responsibilities as a robotics engineer and nurturing his family. Despite his unassuming appearance, one wouldn’t immediately guess that this German native has generated significant buzz on the Internet with his striking attire and captivating images.


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Recently, Mark has gained an Instagram following of nearly 600,000 followers. His wardrobe typically features pumps, boots, and skirts. Alongside his eclectic clothing choices, Mark shares his thoughts on the normalcy of his attire. The engineer thinks clothes shouldn’t be just for one gender. He prefers skirts instead of dresses because he can wear more “manly” tops with them. He believes skirts offer more variety than the usual pants men wear to work.


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Mark’s kids support him because he taught them that clothes don’t show your sexuality or gender. His daughter looks up to him and wants to wear his clothes someday. His wife helps him pick outfits too.

But not everyone gets it. Mark gets mean comments online and in person. He has to tell people that they wouldn’t say those things if he wore normal pants.


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Could you imagine yourself in Mark’s position?

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